Friday, February 5, 2010

Why bad sectors appear

Why the bad sectors appear? That is a very debate problem as the engineers are struggling to explain it. But some general ideas of why the bad blocks appear to the hard disk have every person that has this problem. The reasons that they appear are explained in long forums discussions & also explained in the specialty magazines.

Let’s begin by telling you some generals reasons for which bad sectors appears:
- the reading heads are sustaining them self over the platens for that little distance whit the help of the air flow that creates from the high rotation of the platens; when the platens are stopped the air flow disappears & the reading head are gently touch the surface of the platens whit no risk for the hard drive. However, if the reading heads are touching themselves on a high speed that will create a disaster for the hard drive & also the bad sectors appear.

- another factor that can create bad sectors on your hard drive is the mechanical shocks. Hit the hard drive or accidentally drop it from your hand increase the apparition of the bad sectors. Also if the mechanical shock must not be applied directly to the hard drive & still creates bad sectors, for an example lets say that your entire tower case drops from the support. In the mechanical sector we must include the vibration. If you have the tower case of your computer opened & the hard drive is running, if you move it from its place or lean it from one side to another can also increase the chances of the creation of the bad sectors. The hard drive can sustain vibration by only a couple of grams & if you drop your hard disk on the floor consider yourself lucky if you don’t get some multiple bad sectors.

- heat can create bad sectors; inside your hard disk the platens are moving with speeds between 4400 rpm to 15000 rpm. Because of this speeds the hard disk is producing a very important quantity of heat and doesn't eliminate very much of it throw a standard cooling system on the computers. Is you notice that the hard drive is very hot when working you can consider installing an additional cooling fan especially for the hard disk. So the high temperatures can make some components of the hard disk not to work properly & so it leads to the apparition of bad sectors.

- the mechanical and electronic parts of the hard disk can create bad sectors if they malfunction. Most of you already know that the hard disk has a board full whit electronic piece. If some of those transistors or coils are not working in normal parameters & dos not transmits the right information or the right induction currents that where meant to be it can lead to a malfunction of the reading heads and so to the creation of the bad sectors.

- the demagnetization of the hard disk platens can also create bad sectors. The demagnetization can appear because of the cheap quality offered from the manufacturers or because of the head slap. If the hard drive is accidentally hit some particles on the reading heads can detach from them & creating a small and fine dust that will remain on the platens and when the reading heads are returning to that sector to perform a different action it will be stopped by that dust. You can already understand that the spot where the dust is already is transformed to bad sectors.

- one factor that was creating more hard disk bad sector then no other (that of course if we look in past, for the actually hard disk that are on the market is no longer available) is the power clinch. The newer hard disk has safety pieces to prevent damage from the clinch but is not always working for all of the hard disks.

1 comment:

  1. OK Bos, this is a Good Blog, and is the inspiration for those people know about Computers. yes goooooooddd....
